SDG Landing Pad

The 17 World Goals for sustainable development will inspire Danish companies to offer solutions to global challenges. With a new model – the SDG Landing Pad – companies are helped on their way.

The project’s key activities

  • To promote SDG-focused Danish exports and expertise.
  • To map SDG-related challenges that small and medium-sized Danish companies can solve.
  • To promote new forms of cooperation between the Danish clusters and innovation centres.

Concrete solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges – including the climate and health crisis – are increasingly in demand. Many of the solutions can potentially be delivered by Danish companies and thus hold enormous business opportunities. The opportunities that the SDG Landing Pad helps small and medium-sized businesses seize.

SDG Landing Pad opens doors

Although the market potential is great, only relatively few companies are strategically working in it. The 17 Global Goals as part of their innovation activities and sales strategy. One of the reasons is that the companies lack access to knowledge and relevant international networks. And that is exactly how the SDG Landing Pad has helped the Danish companies. The aim of helping the companies with concrete cooperation alliances and relevant market access is to increase the companies’ global position and exports. In this way, the Danish companies, with the help of the SDG Landing Pad, have become solution suppliers in areas such as health, water, energy and responsible consumption. Half a dozen companies, together with Danish clusters, innovation centers and ministries, have used the SDG Landing Pad to open the door to new markets. As good examples, some of the companies have told about the experiences of using the SDG Landing Pad and the 17 World Goals as business development methods.

Strengthened collaboration through the SDG Landing Pad

As a consequence of the close partnership between a number of Danish business promotion actors, the SDG Landing Pad has helped to strengthen the cooperation between the national clusters and innovation centres. This applies both in relation to gathering knowledge and doing market analyses, but also in the very concrete work of bringing Danish companies and products out into the world in order to internationalize Danish business life and increase Danish exports.

01/01/2022 – 30/06/2023


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