
Ocean Plastic International Matchmaking – OPIM 2024


3. Dec 2024



Micro Plastics, Macro Solutions – Turning the tide on ocean plastic

Clean, together with the Ocean Plastic Forum, Clean Oceans, Enterprise Europe Network-North Denmark, and the COP-project, we are excited to host another international matchmaking event. OPIM 2024 is designed to foster collaboration and innovation among key stakeholders in the fight against ocean plastic pollution. With this year’s theme, “Micro Plastic, Macro Solutions” we aim to highlight the critical issue of micro plastics, create even more impactful opportunities for relationship building and knowledge exchange, and present innovative solutions to prevent macroplastic from becoming microplastic.

Last year with the support of ICN, the event was a true success with 90 participants, representing more than 70 different companies, universities, agencies and networks from 25 countries all over the world. This year, we want to repeat the success too.

More than 100 meetings took place between the participants and was an important step towards fostering innovation and creating new networks, ensuring a continued focus on long-term solutions for marine litter.


Read more about the program, keynote speakers and details here


The event sponsored by the Danish Engineer’s Association.


Want to know more?


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