
Net Zero pathways 2024


30. Sep 2024


Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center

Register herePrice: 975 kr. excl. VAT

The Meeting Place for Green Business Opportunities

On Monday, September 30th, we invite you to the third annual NET ZERO pathways conference, with AKKC and Green Hub Denmark, where we will once again highlight opportunities to accelerate the green transition in businesses and organizations.

This year’s conference will be moderated by journalist Karin Cruz Forsstrøm, with a focus on current projects that are testing and demonstrating new and innovative solutions in areas such as Power-to-X, CCUS, and pyrolysis technology.

The ambition of NET ZERO pathways is to create a forum for inspiration and action, where attendees can discuss, meet like-minded individuals, and leave with collaboration opportunities across industries, all centered on the green transition. Throughout the day, the conference exhibition area will be open, offering the chance to engage with the exhibitors and learn more about how they have adapted their businesses and organizations to the green transition, and how they can assist others in doing the same.

Join us to focus on how we can collectively drive change and find pathways to green solutions.

Read more here

The event is co-funded by the European Union and The Danish Board of Business Development


Want to know more?


All events
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    Water & Waste Technology Export Delegation to India

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  • Delegation


    22.–24. Oct

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  • Conference


    24. Oct

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  • Delegation


    27. Oct–1. Nov

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  • ConferenceNetwork


    28. Oct

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  • Conference


    30. Oct

    Danish Pyrolysis & Biochar Forum 2024

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  • Theme day


    31. Oct

    Sustainable product development of electronics and materials

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  • ConferenceTheme day


    1. Nov

    Next generation Carbon Capture technologies

    Participate in shaping the future of Carbon Capture Technologies.

  • Conference


    11.–16. Nov

    Exhibit at G20 Social: Connect with Latin America

    We are excited to invite you to the G20 Social in Rio de Janeiro from November 11 to 16, 2024.

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